I Don’t Know Anymore..


So basically, I have noticed that my mom is always talking bad about me behind my back. I overheard her talking about me to one of my brothers and I got upset by it. She says that whenever she is on her phone, I go and get my phone. I now feel like I can’t be on my phone while I’m around her. She then blamed me for hacking her phone. I’m no genius, So I have no idea where that came from. I’m just angry and upset with the fact that she thinks that I would do something like that. She has a passcode on her phone so I can’t see how I could hack into it anyway? She lies to me all of the time when I know the truth. I confronted her about talking about me to my brother and she straight up lied to me saying that she did no such thing. I heard her very clearly. My mind isn’t the same anymore. I feel emotionally drained. It’s like she’s changed me. She’s making me look like a psycho when I have done absolutely nothing wrong. I have always been good to her. I offered for her to check my phone if she ever felt uneasy. I know she’s my mom but I really feel like this is childish behavior. I’m walking on egg shells because I have to watch what I say. I can’t ask her any questions because she will wonder why I’m asking them and she’ll say that I’m being paranoid. In all of my 19 years, I have never seen my mom act like this.