Weight Loss Surgery


I want to ask a nonjudgmental question to those who have had some type of weight loss surgery, so please don’t take offense, as I’m just curious.

I have had quite a few people i know personally get 1 of 3 weight loss surgeries... in each case, they had to get psyche evals and lose a percentage of their body weight before getting approved for the surgery. From the people I know who have gone through with the surgeries, more than half of them gained their weight back and sometimes more. A couple have kept the weight off and 1 just got approved for her surgery.

This is a fairly new type of surgery, so I’m concerned what this really does to a persons body, especially in old age.

MY QUESTION: why do people continue to get the procedure(s) done when they were successful at losing 20-50 lbs on their own (just to get approved to have it done)?

Again, I don’t mean to offend anyone and to each their own. But if someone can lose weight on their own without the surgery, why not just keep doing that? No matter what, you have to modify and make healthier choices after the surgery to be successful with it.