FTM worries.

I gave birth 5 days ago to my absolute perfect daughter. She was born at 38 weeks and 2 days weighing 5lbs and 15 ounces. She struggled to feed so unfortunately had to give up breastfeeding and moved to formula. It’s not what we had planned but she needed to eat and fed is best!! She is still very jaundice and had her 5 day check up today and has gone down to 5 lbs 11 ounces. I know it’s normal to lose some but she is already so small? And now she won’t go poo. She hasn’t gone at all today and only once yesterday morning. I’m going to call my midwife tomorrow but I’m so worried there’s something wrong with her 😭😭😭 she literally sleeps all day only wakes when she’s being changed or she wants a feed.