Husband calling his mom...overreacting? PPD?


My husband and i have been married for a year and a half, we have a 4month old son.

My husband and i both struggle with anxiety but he has been struggling pretty bad these past few days. But it got bad tonight and he called his mom in our bedroom while im trying to get the baby to sleep.

He tells her that he feels better when he just talks about it. But i get pissed off cuz im his wife.....why is he calling his mom?

So i take the baby in the other room and we both fall asleep in there cuz i wouldnt be able to get the baby to sleep with my husband and mother in law talking (on speaker).

I come back in the bedroom and my husband is now sleeping, didnt let me know he was done on the phone so i could lay down and put the baby down in the bassinet.

Ive been dealing with PPD but am i over reacting to being pissed about him calling his mom instead of talking to me? I feel like a useless wife and im hurt by it.