10 o'clock bedtime (sorry long post/rant)


My baby goes to bed between 9-10pm and wakes up about 8am (still eats in the middle of the night) I know it's a late bedtime for a baby but it fits perfectly into our schedule and we have tried an earlier bedtime but he'll wake up like 30 minutes after he falls asleep and stay wide awake until 9-10. Anyways, my husband was playing xbox tonight and his friend's wife plays with them too and she made the comment to her husband but everyone heard it, "wow their baby is still up playing" it was 8pm and he was shaking a toy and babbling so it was obvious it was a baby. I don't know why but the comment rub me the wrong way. Am I the only one that has my baby go to bed late? I've never seen an issue with it because I figured as long as he's sleeping 🤷‍♀️ am I missing something? Or doing something wrong? He's never been a good sleeper and I'm a FTM so I'm just kind of winging it.