Story Time (Anne with an "E")


We found out July 5th that my grandma had cancer in her abdomen. In early August she went into a coma. A few days after we decided to start trying to conceive I was sitting by her bed talking to her, even though she wasn't awake. I told her that Phil and I had decided to start trying and that we weren't telling our families, but I wanted her to know. I said I was sad that they would never know her or grandpa, but I would tell my kids all about them.

I told her if we had a girl we wanted to name her Charlotte, which happens to be the female version of Charles, my grandpa/her husband's name. We hadn't settled on a middle name, but just then I realized that my grandma's middle name, Ann, would be perfect with Charlotte. So I asked her when she got up to heaven if she and Grandpa could send us a little girl so I could name her after them.

My grandma passed on the 5th of August and on the 5th of September, after trying for just one month, I got my positive pregnancy test. We assumed it would take some time, I'm 34 and had been on the pill for 15.5 years. I like to think that she sent me this baby and I'm really hoping it's a girl.

Today I went to her house and picked out a few things I wanted. I found this ring I had never seen. My aunt told me it was my grandma's birthstone that my grandpa had given her years ago. If I ever get my Charlotte Anne I'll give it to her on her 16th birthday, just like my grandma gave me a ring on my 16th.

A few extra notes:

*I'm basically an atheist, but if there is a heaven I knew my grandma would be going there to be with my grandpa.

*Even though her middle name was spelled Ann, I'll be spelling it with an "E", because Anne of Green Gables... 😁

*We aren't finding out the gender until the birth.