breastfeeding and TTC wtf

kim • 🎀2008👼🏼2011👼🏼2012👼🏼2012🌈🎀2013🏈2018👼🏼2020🌈🏈2021

i just don’t know my body anymore this is my first time TTC while breastfeeding also my longest time breastfeeding and first time TTC so close to having a baby and my body is all whacked up.. i’ve been pregnant 6 times in my life (3 kids+ 3losses) and i feel pregnant but so far test say no so i’m guessing my hormones are fudged made a doc appt cause i’ve been getting lightheaded and feeling like i’m on a boat lately and getting bad headaches from bad neck and back pain and tummy pains and cramps in my lower back and nausea... just dying over and venting sorry :/