Epilepsy, Anxiety, and TTC


My husband and I have decided we are ready to try for a baby, well my husband finally did! I've been waiting for what seems like forever. Now that we are actually taking these steps down this journey I'm starting to have some anxiety. I have epilepsy. Some of the medication I take is not safe for pregnancy, but there aren't others I can take right now, without paying a ridiculous copay. Medical CBD would cost the same as the copays and we aren't sure how it effects babies during pregnancy yet. Plus my town has two hospitals. My perfered OB is at the smaller one, while my neurologist is at the bigger one with the NICU, and a better surgical department incase of csection. I know I shouldn't be worrying about having the NICU in the building or having my neurologist close, but with my epilepsy there are so many what ifs, and unfortunately I need to think about some of them. Any advice?