Why doesn’t he listen 😭

So like 2 weeks ago I broke out in ring worm all over my body especially my arms I was just covered. I was working with animals and caught it that way I believe and it just had a field day on my skin. I even had it on my scalp. I have a compromised immune system so that shit went wild. But at first I didn’t know what it was, I thought it was bug bites and during that time I was having sex with my SO so skin to skin contact and when I went to the doctor and found out it was ringworm I told him to look out for it and actually made him strip naked so I could look and wore clothes during sex to prevent skin contact. I still have this huge tube of medicated cream. today I was loving on him and noticed that he has a ringworm under his facial hair. He kept telling me “I don’t think I can get ring worm I’ve never had stuff like that.. like poison ivy.” And I’m like 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s not an allergic reaction doofus, it’s a contagious fungal infection please put the cream on your face. “Ugh, no.”

And I don’t want to get it again🤷‍♀️ having ringworm all over your freaking body is miserable and embarrassing. So I told him that I am not touching him until he uses the cream and he huffed and puffed while I put it on his face.

Whyyy are men so weiiiird. Like, my dude 🙃 you are not invincible to ringworm. You kissed up all over me while I didn’t know I had it. You have it now. Use the cream🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃