
My boyfriend has anger problems. Anything could set him off or trigger him. Now, it’s not totally his fault bc he was raised with a very abusive father and to this day he’s still having to go to court things to support his little brother and sister and stepmother (she’s divorcing him, finally). Tonight, he got so rowled up over a very stupid argument all bc I wouldn’t say he was right. I tried to end the argument and leave the room but he blocked the door and wouldn’t stop yelling at me. Everytime I tried to get him to move he would pick me up by my shoulders and throw me on the bed. Finally, I had enough and went to our bathroom and closed the door. Ofc, he was still yelling through the door. I turned on some music to help calm me down/ mute his yelling and he got so mad he kicked the door as hard as he could which made a terrifying loud sound. I immediately started bawling my eyes out in a full blown panic attack. He made a smartass remark and told me to stop crying which made me cry harder. He opened the door, saw me crying and huddled in the corner. He came over to me and said he was so sorry and started being very sweet to me. Which, I didn’t let phase me like I usually do. I went outside and came in about 20 mins later to him sitting in the bathroom. He finally came out and asked where our extra blankets were. I just shrugged. He took it upon himself to post on social media “why is everything my fault” while I was outside. He decided to sleep on the couch. He does things like this all the time. If I told more stories, I know the only response I would get would be “leave him now”, but I can’t for multiple reasons. Does anyone know how to get a very temperamental man to not have as many outbursts..?