Positive c-section story

Courtnie • 28. Happily married. I'm a mom of Angel baby boy👼, a rainbow baby girl🌈, and my surprise pot of gold baby boy 🍀

Long story ahead!!

I wanted to share my birth story since I didnt see too many positive c-section stories on here. I wanted women to know that the experience doesn't have to be so bad.

Anyways, I had my pot of gold baby boy 9-9-19 via a scheduled c-section.

We got to the hospital around 5 am. The got me hooked up to a machine to check his heartrate and monitor contractions (which I didnt even realise I was having!) They got my iv started and they periodically came to check in on me for the next couple hours. Around 915 they came in and took me to the OR.

They had me sit on the edge of the table, cleaned me off and gave me a few shots of lidocaine in my back ( didnt feel too great) then I got my spinal. ( felt some pressure no pain) Then they laid me down gave me my catheter got the tarp set up and then brought in my husband. My beautiful son was born a few mins later at 1003. I also got my tubes tied.

My husband got to cut the cord and they stayed together while they finished up with me. I was then moved to recovery where I got to do skin to skin and nurse him. They kept us in there for 2 hours and then we were moved to our post partum room. So far recovery hasnt been bad as long I take my meds on time and take it easy.

** honorable mentions that I wish I would have remembered ( or know if it was my first time )

- they give you pitocin afterwards to help with contractions to shrink your uterus ( Hurts like a MF)

- if you are nursing that causes the contractions too :/

Anyways we are finally getting settled at home and looking forward to some more bonding. Here's a pic of my sweet Carter Owen 💙

Thanks for making it this far lol