Maternity leave..*teacher*


Pregnant teacher here! I am currently 32 weeks pregnant. I am at that point where I am in pretty bad pain consistently throughout the day. I’m walking around and helping students during each class (art teacher) and my back pain is almost unbearable after 1st period alone (and that’s with trying my best to sit when I can, even for a moment)!! It makes me worried about how things will go within the next few weeks.

My husband wants me to start my maternity leave early around 38 weeks. At first I wanted to start it around 39 weeks to go as far to my due date as possible. But now, with all of the increase in pain, I’m really thinking that I might need to give myself the chance more relaxation time before baby arrives. I had a teacher friend that has kids who also agreed that 38 weeks would be good for a little break before baby comes. But so many teachers work all the way up to their due date so it makes me feel guilty/weak for feeling the way I do.

How is everyone else doing? Any other fellow teachers? What are your plans for maternity leave?