Fake Bitch


My friends names- Betty

My boyfriend names- Sam

My boyfriends friend name is - Roy

So I’ve been dating this guy for 8 months I met him through my friend who was dating my boyfriends friend.

Come to find out the Roy had a other girlfriend that he was living with and my friend Betty has sex with Roy other friend. And he started hitting her about it and I my boyfriend would always tell him about it. Now they are finally broken up and me and my boyfriend is still together.

My friend even like my boyfriend from what I could of tell because one day he called or she call him have no clue. But they were on a phone call and she was acting so weird like I asked her if she was speaking to and she was like no why none of your business like if it’s my boyfriend you talking to it is my business and I have to find out later that it was him and she was walking by in a crisscross and voice was so soft and I’m a female so I know that you only talk to guys on the phone like that when you like them so I got super mad and I left and I called him and he had no idea he was like he didn’t know anything like that. I later told him that she liked him and he started to like get distance from her which I was happy about