Feeling a bit lonely

So me and my SO have had a good relationship for the most part but lately I've been feeling pretty lonely, when he gets home he goes straight to his video games and doesn't talk to me, same with his lunch break, when he's texting in his group chat and I'm trying to talk to him he straight ignores me and continues texting , or I'm handing him his food and he continues to play the game or text while I'm waiting for him to get his plate. I've broke down and told him how I felt ignored , he says he's sorry and he'll not do it again but he still does uhh I'm kinda tearing up as I write this, it's gotten to the point to when I just go upstairs and watch my shows because I'm tired of begging someone to talk to me or interact with me. He's always been the quiet type but I don't know I just feel disconnected. Anyone else go through this, what was your solution.