Life stressing

Rough time so bare with me ladies

So I’m laying omg bed trying to sleep before 5 am rolls in. But I catch myself thinking what am I doing?!

Waiting for my “boyfriend “ to grow up enough to support me and our son and baby (don’t know gender 13w5d) I’m in my apartment I pay for... alone with our son day in day out. Writing this just makes me hate myself for letting this happen again 😭😭😭 tears are forming... I just have no clue what to do or say to him anymore. Being pregnant everything hurts(duh) well sex hurts! And I’m giving him it once on weekends but he’s still fights about it like ladies it hurts so bad I almost cry during😔😔😔 he always say I don’t show enough to him, I work all day ( nursing home) take care of baby (almost2) then have to clean and coddle him?!?! What about me what about baby ?why am I the only one he works 3 hrs max sitting at a computer 🤦🏻‍♀️ making way less (quit job to get pay cut for dream job) (also is why he’s not living with me) I’m just getting fed up with my life choices and I’m not sure how to do the next step or what that step should be 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 help me please 😔😔😔 and no I’m not mad about the job I’m mad he won’t help.

Here’s my boy cuz he’s just to cuteo