All Me Orgasm

So I was beginning to find that I needed to watch porn in order to orgasm while masturbating. Either that or I had to use my vibrator. I decided I didn’t want to be reliant on either of those things to orgasm just for when I do get a partner I don’t want to be desensitized to simple touch. Well tonight I laid down and went to town all on my own. It took a while and I almost gave up a few times, but I managed to reach orgasm completely by my own hands without any porn! This is the first time in a long time I’ve been able to do that. I have nothing against someone who likes to get off with porn or a vibe. In fact, though I’m going to try to cut porn out altogether, I’ll still vibe from time to time. I’m just so excited because I was beginning to think I had ruined my sensitivity forever. I feel so accomplished and excited to explore what makes my body tick that doesn’t involve porn.