Stuck in a bad marriage

I am FTM and i am totally losing it with my 4 months old daughter. No matter how hard i try i keep making mistakes.. ever since she is born, i have been dealing with shit in my life. My husband is a total maniac.. he loves his daughter like crazy but treats me like a shit. He keeps taunting me on how bad of a mother i am.. everytime he sees a woman with a happy baby he would say "look thats how u take care of a baby" i have no family around..i hav zero help with the baby or house chores..he wants his food on time, he wants the home clean, doesn't sleep in the same room as me and baby..yet he keeps saying he does all the work nd i just waste my time coz i hv nothing else to do. I am exhausted to the point that my mind feels numb most of the time. I hate my married life nd want a break from it so bad. My baby who was underweight, keeps getting sick coz she doesn't feed well. She is down with an infection now nd last night since she didn't eat enough, she was so weak that i had to take her to turns out she was okay bt my husband blames me coz he said u must hv been sleeping nd didn't feed the baby..i feel like pulling my hair..