Vaginal breech delivery


So I am 38 weeks pregnant (first baby) and babe is breech we suspected she was back around 34 weeks and I started seeing a chiropractor and doing some spinning babies inversion techniques at home. I had my midwife apt yesterday and they confirmed she is still breech and then this am we attempted a ECV to try to flip baby - it was not successful unfortunately and now I’m stuck with the decision of a scheduled c section or a possible attempt at a vaginal breech delivery - I am hoping for some shared experience with this situation or similar situation of vaginal breech? I guess my concerns with c section is it’s my first pregnancy and we definitely want more and I would love to be able to vaginally deliver- but my concerns with breech vaginal delivery is babies health risks with getting stuck and lack of oxygen or possible neurological complications if shoulders or legs get stuck.

So feedback please 😊