My “boyfriend” gave me an sti.


I need advice. Questions. Concerns. I’m also going to try and keep this brief and leave out unneeded details.

I’ve known this guy for 6 years, but it’s always been a long distance thing and we’ve been off and on for the longest. For what reason, he just didn’t take me seriously and preferred a close physical relationship. That and he was “in love” with his ex and pretty much kept me lagging on as a convenient side piece for nudes and attention. Anyway though, that’s besides the point.

We began talking, as in talking talking again this beginning of this year. At the time we were both messing off with other people, myself I thought more than him because I didn’t take him seriously this time and I didn’t want to put more feelings in as I always do. Even then, I was sleeping with one guy. We’ll call him A. A had and still has feelings for me, only slept with me while we were talking and still has yet to sleep with anyone else. Cool.

Around March of this year, boyfriend, we’ll call him M. M expressed that he didn’t feel comfortable with me sleeping with other guys. Basically he wanted to take this “relationship” to a new level and wanted the commitment aspect. Which I was totally fine and down with. That’s what I wanted for years. I stopped sleeping with A, got tested not too long after that to make sure that I was clean and I was.

M has expressed multiple times that he gets tested on the regular and that he’s clean of everything. I believed that. I mean, damn near in love with this guy even though he lives miles and miles away. He does have a bigger sexual history than me, and he’s slept with girls that have given absolutely no fucks but I never questioned. What happened in the past happened in the past and I shouldn’t affect me. Loling at that right now.

So, I go to visit M for the first time ever about a month ago. Best time of my life. I felt so relieved from the stresses of home and work, I genuinely felt happy and at peace and I haven’t felt that in such a long time. It was perfect.

Not even three days after I get home, I start to notice symptoms. The first was that I had a vaginal odor. Immediately had me like woah what the fuck. I always clean myself thoroughly. Then I began to experience discharge, itching, etc. the common symptoms for whenever you have an sti or std. So, I instantly tell him. Yo I need to call and talk to you about something. He calls me, I tell him what’s going on and his response isn’t what I expected? For one, he immediately says “Thank god you’re not fucking pregnant.” Red flag. He then goes on to say that he gets tested on the regular and that he hasn’t experienced any symptoms, which majority of the men don’t experience symptoms btw. Overall he just didn’t seem to care or take it seriously. I told him whatever, still gonna get tested. Maybe it’s just a uti because I did forget to pee at times while I was there.

I got tested Tuesday, doctor calls me today to give me my results and I’m positive for Chlamydia. I’m immediately pissed and I’m just now able to calm myself.

I haven’t slept with anyone besides A, which stopped before I went to visit M. I was clean before I went to visit M. My obvious conclusions are that either M never got tested as often as he says and he caught something from a previous ex or sexual partner.

2. He cheated

3. He did get tested but wasn’t honest when giving the results.

I did tell him that I was positive for Chlamydia and told him to get tested, to which he replied Thanks for telling me. I left him on read and I don’t plan on talking to him for a couple of days. Just so I can gather my thoughts. I also told A to get tested just to be on the safe side because I did sleep with him within that 6 month period.

I’ve never had an STD. Or STI and I would like to think that I’m not overreacting? Do I not have the right to be pissed off? This should be taken seriously. Not brushed off. I get he isn’t experiencing anything but it’s beyond embarrassing for me. That and I feel played. The trust feels broken and I’m just. Y’all I don’t know.