Where do I start ?

Im tired of being not able to have my own income my SO takes care of the bills here at home but I want to help with paying stuff too and i want to work but i feel like my mental health gets in the way. I suffer from anxiety , panic disorder and depression and I do take medication and have regular visits with my psychiatrist. I’m fine but once I’m put in a stressful environment I loose it I start freaking out I start panicking and even crying at times. Every job I have is short lived because my panic attacks get out of hand and it’s embarrassing i even had it happen to me in front of customers at one job. I’m at my lowest i even thought of applying for SSI but I honestly feel like I wouldn’t even qualify for it. It hurts cause I feel like people who have never dealt with mental illness don’t understand how it feels to look ok on the outside but it’s the complete opposite on the inside . It’s not even just work , I fear of driving so don’t drive since I crashed, I can’t even stay

long at the gym without a panic attack or crowded places :( The point of this post is I’m just wondering if anyone else deals with this or knows of certain types of jobs or another way of income that would be good for someone like me who struggles with these things.