Born at 32 weeks exactly


My beautiful baby girl entered this world via c section at 10:59 am on September 12th. I was 32 weeks exactly. She is my little fighter and is doing great in the NICU. She took the surfactant likr a champ accotding to the nurses. She grabbed and held on to daddys finger. Which is all he wanted her to do might I add. I saw her for the second time in the NICU at 1 am. She was crying and sounded pretty good. Not alot of gurgling noises or anything. She really hates her cpap that they have on her right now though. She is constantly trying to grab it but isn't quite strong enough yet. She weighed 3 lbs 12 oz and measured 17 3/4 inches. The nurses say she actually kinda long for a preemie, but is normal in other ways. At my ultrasound on Tuesday they expected her to be 2.5 lbs rather than normal weight, but she was normal and I couldn't be happier. Our little Ireland Marie Phaneuf. Now all her dad is trying to do is work and save up money to buy me a ring. I told him idc if the ring is $10 or $600 because I want to marry him not a piece of jewelry, but hes stubborn and won't take that as an answer. I love both of them with all my heart. I cant wait til the day we are in our own house, with our own furniture and dog (he wants one really bad... So do I). If we are lucky she could go homr slightoy before her due date. Which was November 7th, but we shall see. I cant wait til the day I can hold her.