Potty training a toddler

My son is 27 months old and lately has hated diaper changes, showed interest in the potty, can tell me when he’s peeing in his bath water so I figured why not try? Well the first day went okay. He had accidents (which I expected), but he told me every time he wet himself. I asked him constantly if he needed to potty he told me no, and didn’t seem to want to try and sit on it to go. He has gone in it one time. Anyways, I was impressed he alerted me saying “mama pee pee”. So I gave him stickers to reward him and I praised him. Well I put him to bed with a diaper on and I explained we will be wearing big boy underwear again tomorrow morning. He seemed to understand. He wakes up and I remind him. He says ok and we put them on and start our day. Two more accidents. No big deal. He waited until I stepped away for a second to potty. My husband was next to him so I figured he could watch him. He told him he pottied and didn’t make it. That’s fine. But we had to leave and put a diaper back on (husband locked his keys in his car at work 🤦🏼‍♀️). We come home and he throws a huge tantrum about putting underwear back on and using the potty. Maybe he isn’t ready? It’s such a struggle. I feel like yesterday he was ok with it and today he’s scared of it. Won’t even sit on it with a book. I bribed him with treats and no luck. I want to cry.

I don’t want to traumatize him so I guess we will stop. But idk if I should stick with it and this is a normal setback or if I should just stop and try again later. I need advice ladies! I’m a first time mom.