OVIDREL Trigger Shot 13dpt


I'm freaking out! I took the 250 trigger shot on 9/1 and have seen that you need to wait 14 days for it to get out of your system. Out of curiosity I've been testing randomly during this 2ww and saw around 9dpt that my pregnancy test was finally negative. I took the test late at night and not with fmu but I'm still hoping it was out.

It's Friday the 13th now, 13dpt and I took a test with fmu and I swear I see a vvvvvfl!! I'm trying not to freak out too much because I'm worried it's still in my system and it's friggin Friday the 13th and all of a sudden I'm being superstitious thinking it's just bad luck and a false positive LOL

If you've taken the trigger shot, how long did it take to get out of your system? How many days did you wait to take a pregnancy test? Please help! 😭


14 DPT and I can't tell if it's just a tad bit darker? This is driving me crazy 😵 I'm going to end up testing every day now until the line hopefully gets darker 😣