Traveling 8 hours


My husband and I are dual military and his family is 8 hours away, mine is in Puerto Rico. My due date is the 18th of November and he wants to spend Christmas at his grandparents, my question is, is it safe to travel so long with a baby? We also have 3 dogs that we will be taking with us and I know I'm gonna go crazy. I've tried telling him that maybe it was best for us to stay here and spend Christmas here since it's easier and we wont be having many people over, but he wants to go home cause his brother is not going this year cause hes in germany(military too). Also it would be the only time my family could actually spend some time with the baby due to my mom getting a new job and she doesnt have leave until Christmas time. What do you guys think? Should we go or should we stay? I dont want to deprive him from seeing his family but at the same time my family will have barely to no time to meet my baby meanwhile his can come anytime. Maybe I'm being selfish idk