Trying to stay calm but internally freaking out

Stevie • Poet/Writer • Married to music • Music & art lover •

I’m not sure if it’s stress or my cycle is changing but I’m four days late with Dracula (period) and I’m trying to stay calm but I’m freaking out internally because the worse is constantly taking over my mind :(

I thought about getting a pregnancy test but I’m too damn scared to do it because what if it’s true? I have a wonderful and amazing man who said, he won’t let me go through this alone and all that sweet talk. But I’m not ready for a child 😔 I’m too mentally unstable and I do NOT want my kids missing out on their childhood to take care of me. That is NOT a child’s job at a young age.

I just don’t know anymore 🙈

Ladies, please help 💔😔