Sorry guys I just need to rant

Ahhh so long story short my husband cheated on me with a girl a 5 yrs ago and we’ve been ttc for a year and this girl got pregnant with her new dude idk 2 yrs ago and got pregnant right away well anyways she’s always posting about him being a POS and a dead beat then I just found out that she’s pregnant again and here I am STILL not pregnant.Just so upset with myself☹️

I did post a pic yesterday of my test and some say maybe or vvvvfl but a lot said negative. Here’s to five more days, I hope it’s my turn. Thanks for listening!

First off IM NOT STALKING HER WERE FRIENDS OF FB WHICH I HARDLY GO ON ANYWAYS AND WE HAVE MUTUAL FRIENDS SO OBVIOUSLY THEYRE GONNA TALK ABOUT HER AS THEY WERENT TOLD WHAT HAPPENED,second I’m not blaming her or mad at her for getting easily pregnant or for me “infertility issues” SHIT I TOLD HER CONGRATULATIONS AND GOODLUCK I was basically posting on here just to rant bc I have no one else to so y’all can go fuck off like you guys are just always fucking perfect 👌 fake as fuck. And thanks to the one person who wasn’t a bitch! And YES MY MARRIAGE IS FINE WE WORKED THROUGH OUR PROBLEMS AND WE HAVENT HAD PROBLEMS SINCE THANKS FOR YOUR ‘CONCERN’ a bandaid baby lmao.

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Posted at
She has nothing to do with your fertility and you’re only hurting yourself following her posts, watching her every move, worrying about what she is doing, comparing your fertility to hers or anyone else. I think you need to deal with this, residual pain from infidelity, infertility pain, etc., with a therapist. Harboring hate and resentment hurts you the most.


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If you are following the person he cheated with are you truly over it? Something to think about before trying to have a baby


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Ok you stayed with your husband who cheated.If you can forgive him stop stalking her. Her getting pregnant easily has NOTHING to do with you. Maybe your whole obsession with her is delaying you getting pregnant.Delete her completely from your life stop stressing and let the magic happen.


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Stop watching over this woman and her life, focus on yours. Her getting pregnant twice easily whilst you’re out here still waiting is unfortunately what happens a lot, life ain’t peachy but you need to stop negatively watching over what she’s doing, instead embrace the fact you’ve had more time to prepare, etc.


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Also why would you have someone added as a friend after your dude slept with her?


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That shit was 5yrs ago and you're still creeping on her. Fix yourself and marriage before you try and put a bandaid baby on it.


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I wouldn't even be trying to have a baby with someone that cheated. Next thing you know he cheats again and you'll have a baby to raise alone.


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It's it normal to feel jealous from time to time, wether these people think so or not. I have been ttc for our second child for 6 years and I have watched quite a few people in bad relationship's or doing hard drugs getting pregnant and it does make me feel some type of way about it.