Is he overreacting or am i wrong for thinking he’s exaggerating?

Okay so i was talking to my bf like normal, told him i was going to go to look at cars with a my friend she was car shopping. We happened to go to where he works.

He hasn’t replied its been almost 2hrs.. idk whats his problem?

**Hes not a salesman

I didn’t want to bother him on his job since he works in another department.

•••••So one time he went out “with his male co workers for a drink” but there was also females & he lied to me about it. Specially one female “coworker” was hanging out him him, supposedly everyone was together but hes been acting sketchy even after him begging to give it another chance..

Idk if he think i went there to spy on him or wth but now im def thinking he might be hiding something like you guys are saying & yall didn’t even know part of this story!