I think I can officially say my baby is walking!!!! ☺️☺️

Keisha • 23 🌮🍷 Momma to a baby boy 💙 Girl due Nov 2019🎀Wifey to Mr. J 🥰💑👪

Soooo when X was very small and barely crawling I use to say that he will probably be an early walker, possibly skip crawling because he showed zero interest in crawling. But then he started crawling and of course that’s exciting, then he pulled to a stand and then he started cruising along. That lasted for months, I thought maybe I wasn’t doing something right for him to get up and go lol I’m so naive. My mom was constantly on me about him not walking yet (me and my lil bro were a year when we started) so she was convinced that there was something wrong. She told me shoes help, I guess that’s what helped me and my

Brother so I listened to her, we got some good walking shoes, made him walk and made it fun by walking outside touching trees and stuff. Did that since probably 11.5 months, before that we would just let him do his own thing using furniture. Everyone we seen when we visited family or friends would always ask “oh is he walking yet?” And I felt almost embarrassed to say no, because I had it in my head that he should have been walking before a year old. LITTLE did I know it’s actually normal, walking doesn’t happen generally until after 1, before 1 is considered early, and after 18 months is late. I felt so relieved lol. Well this past almost week X has been getting so much more confident with walking, not outside yet but just in our livingroom. He use to take a couple of steps, fall and then just resort to crawling. Today he fell, and got back up then started walking again! He also walked from our coffee table to his book (a good almost 10 steps for him) he bent down picked it up and walked it over to me 😭😭 he’s also been I think forgetting that he’s walking because he’s so confident with it now ahhh i love milestones 🥰 Sorry this is long, but we are due in November and I was SO worried he’d still be crawling then. I think now he will at least he walking for the most part come November and if not fully then it won’t be long till he does 💙💙

My little man ❤️