He’s pregnant !!

Tricia, 🇨🇦 PCOS, Mama to two babygirls 💕

You would think that my boyfriend is the one that’s pregnant.. I’m almost 13weeks and my back is sore, I’m now getting headaches which you can’t take anything for, my hormones are all out of whack and I can’t sleep worth shit..especially because I have to get up 30times to pee in the night..

Well he’s now bitching about how much his back hurts and he’s not sleeping right.. and expects me to rub his back .. when I have been asking all week for one and never get one ..

Then we go to my family’s house so he could go hunting with my brother .. then we get home at 8 and asks me what I’m going to make him for supper.. and then I make something super quick (KD) and he does absolutely nothing but bitch about it and I told him I haven’t made KD in years so sorry it was alittle over cooked.. and he’s like I don’t think you were ever good at cooking it ..

Is it just me or is he being a asshole and are my hormones taking over ?!