What should I do?

I’m 11w4d pregnant. After two miscarriages. My close friend has also had a miscarriage. She has been acting weird since I told her I was pregnant, and the only reason I told her was because she kept wanting me to go drink or do something I can’t, and I would make excuses but she’s always be like well we can drink wine at your house. So I just told her. And she wanted to go look at baby stuff. I didn’t want to yet. But she begged so I said fine. We went and she started crying. We left and I comforted her. But now she’s acting weird. I asked her what’s wrong and she said it’s not fair or okay that I get to get pregnant again and have a baby and have a happy life and do all this with my husband when she’s still single and can’t get pregnant and doesn’t have a baby.

Her miscarriage was 2 years ago. And mine was 5 months ago. I’m not trying to take away from her pain but I just don’t know what to do. I love and care about her.

I feel bad but it’s not my fault!! What do I say? Do I leave her alone? How should I handle this?