Husband and jealousy


So I have a situation that’s been causing arguments between my husband and I. He started work and there’s this girl there that I the owners daughters. My husband is 33 and I’m 28 and we’ve been married for 1 1/2 years, together for 4. My husband has been Telling me about her and how he think she likes her and she’s a flirty girl but she’s a two and I’m a ten so I have nothing to worry about. So the first night they hung out he told me they were going out and made it clear that he initiated inviting her to the bar with some other people that they work with. Because he said he would never just go out with only her. But he invited her because she said she plays pool and he wanted to see how she played so they went out. I’m not that upset but I feel some type of way knowing that he said he thinks she likes him and is a flirty girl. The following weekend I am out with my friends from work and I find out that he playing pool with his friends and this girl showed up and he let me know that she was there. I was drunk and called up his best friend to make sure that everything was cool because I started feeling some type away and his friend reassured me that she was Byam I really don’t have anything to be worried about. But then a few days later on a Tuesday night he is working with her because they work at a restaurant and he was out until three in the morning Because he said he was playing pool with people from work. He ends up coming home at three in the morning even though he said he would be home at one. I asked him how it went and he was honest and told me that he ended up having a heart to heart with this girl after everybody left and after the bar closed and they talked until three in the morning and then he came home. So I freaked out and was all upset about this and so we got into our second argument over this girl. My husband is reassuring me that nothing happened I have nothing to worry about and that he loves me and she is just a cool girl. I believe that nothing happened but my perspective is that he shouldn’t be one on one with someone of the opposite sex confiding in each other and having conversations until three in the morning. At a bar. So obviously I’m pissed and he’s trying to reassure me that she’s by and she’s not into him and that I don’t have to worry about anything. But I am trying to explain to him that it doesn’t matter what his intentions are the point is that he is playing with fire and you were opening the door to having a deeper relationship with someone of the opposite sex other than your wife. So I feel some type away and I assuming we admit that I do look at his phone to see their text and I have told him this that I don’t necessarily feel comfortable about his relationship with her and I have looked at his phone. He says he has nothing to hide. So roll around to one week later and long story short we all end up meeting at a bar and I meet with her and clear the air because I am not a hater and I’m sure she’s a nice girl but I was just being jealous that somebody might like my husband. We all have a good time shooting pool at the bar and me drinking and all I look at my husband’s band because I’m curious and I see their texts from earlier that day about how she He’s afraid to come out to the bar to play pool with everyone because I will be there. And she knows we argued over her before. So in the text she says oh fuck I’m not coming and And then says “well if I come we can’t talk about certain things. I see the way you look at me sometimes. So don’t look at me that way”. So my husband responds “ I look at everybody that way”. So I didn’t see this text and I put my husband aside while we’re all at the bar and confront him about the texts and we also are arguing about this and I’m just trying to get the point across to him that he really shouldn’t be putting in himself in the situations where he is having a deep relationship with another female. Who by the way is having sex with a married man. So we’re arguing the entire way home after the bar and now I am sitting on my couch writing this and my husband went out to the bar to drink and is really upset with me about bringing this up and being dramatic because yes I was definitely dramatic and have been all week because I have been freaking out about the situation since I have not dealt with this and feeling a jealous type of way since We have been married.