I guess I'm just venting?

Okay so my fiance and i do not have sex enough. I have told him time and time again for years that I need sex more often and he just doesnt care. We have sex maybe once or twice a month. It's to the point that I have separated my sexual side from our relationship. I do love him but im so tired of sex being an issue. Its causes a lot of problems if i dont separate it from our lives. But then randomly once a month he will want to have sex and its just awkward for me to have sex with him after having been rejected so many times throughout the last month or having him say "can we wait to do it before bed" and then he just goes to sleep. I wish he would just agree that we arent going to have sex at all anymore. Just cut it out of our relationship entirely. We would function so much better if we kept sex separate from our relationship. I dont want to date other people and i dont want him to either I just dont want the stress of not being enough for him to want me more than once a month. It makes the one time feel not genuine and like he just needed some quick pussy instead of his hand for once.

Ugh. For some reason when I click done or post it cuts off the "hand for once" at the end of all this.