Incorporating meat...

Stacey • Momma to 4 🧑🏼👩🏻🧒🏼👶🏼 • Wife 💍 • Teacher 👩‍🏫 • Book & Coffee Lover 📚 ☕️

Lately, Sawyer has not wanted to eat ANY meat whatsoever. She used to love fish (salmon in particular), tofu & chicken. Now, she just throws it on the floor or tries a bite and spits it out. I’ve even tried to sneakily put it in food and she figures it right out! 😭 she is a great, well rounded eater otherwise.

She also has low iron. If it’s still low at her 15 month check up, we have to do a complete blood count, so I feel it’s super important she gets meat in conjunction with other iron fortified food.

What kinds of meats are you giving your babes? Is anyone going through a phase like this?!

Here’s my girl! ❤️