Mucus plug, early labor?


So I’m 30 weeks...I haven’t had a normal pregnancy... my baby has chylothorax,(lymph fluid around lungs).. I’ve had 5 surgeries (3 failed attempts) to put shunts in the sides of he cheats. 4 out of the 5 surgeries have had to go through my placenta and have resulted in quite a bit of bleeding. Placenta has healed each time and bleeding didn’t last long. My most recent surgery was last week and there was no bleeding at all. It would not be uncommon for me to go into labor anytime or my water to break just because those are the risks and we’ve had so many invasive surgeries to my bag of water and my uterus. Well for the past few days I’ve been having some mucus-y brownish discharge. Sometimes it’s as much as this on the tissue in this picture sometimes it’s just brown tinted streaks on the tissue.. a little worried. My pelvis has been having a lot of pressure today and I’ve had diarrhea since yesterday I don’t think I’m leaking water I’ve also not felt good today.. nauseous, feel faint if I’m standing for too long.. what do u guys think? The hospital I have to go to for my high risk pregnancy is 2 hours away and I have an appt there in the morning so I didn’t want to have to drive there tonight for nothing.