“Thats your job” 😡


So I was going to take a shower and I asked my husband to put the clothes from the washer to the dryer so he would have clean work pants. He does, but he doesnt take the clothes out of the dryer he just added into it. I asked him where he put the clothes from the dryer and he said there was none. Looking me in the face like he was telling the truth. He said I shouldve just did it myself. I said no because when we moved in you said you would help me with loading and unloading the washer once I got bigger. Im 36 weeks pregnant. Our washer is in the worst spot ever so Its hard for me to reach in there.. I left it at that and went to the bathroom but I forgot something so i came back out & I heard him say if I want it done a certain way I need to just do it myself since im mad.. Im like once again thats all I asked you to do. He literally doesnt clean anything, he barely takes the trash. So im like wow thats asking a lot of you? I was essentially asking him to help me do something that only benefited him! I couldve waited until tomorrow to deal with laundry. Anyway he goes to say that its my job. Its my job to take care of the house. Why does being a stay at home mom mean you cant ask for help? I havent always been a sahm, I have worked almost our entire relationship (4 years). The only reason im not working is because I have no one to watch my child & HE SAID he would rather I just enjoy my pregnancy and not work!!