Was I sexually assaulted? Thoughts have been hitting me heavy need advice

I was a 20 year old virgin and my boyfriend of the time was super pushy with me and I just kept telling him I’m not ready for any of that just yet. He would still try to stick his hands down my pants and I would move away and tell him to stop. One summer he came to visit me (I planned to break up with him over the summer) he kept trying to get me to sleep with him i kept saying no at this point he was trying so hard i was working up a sweat trying to get him off me he thought it was funny and some sort of joke when i literally kept saying no and stop. He has made a comment to me in the past that “if really wanted to i could do whatever i want” while sitting on top of me crushing me. Anyways so as i keep saying no he keeps asking me to suck his dick i keep saying no and turn away (we are in my parents house because that’s where I lived during the summer) he gets up and walks to the side of the bed I’m on and facing and starts sticking his dick in my face telling me “come on please please” i proceed to say no getting very annoyed and scared to be honest. He then screamed at me and told me he drove 4 hours for nothing. He told me that when he arrived i should have dropped to my knees and sucked him off in return for him driving 4 hours to see me... then at one point he got on top of me again kept trying to take my underwear off and i kept fighting to not let him and he finally got them off and then tried to have sex with me he kept trying to push it in (it never did go all the way in or even close really) and i screamed and said stop you’re hurting me and I’m about to cry at this point and sweating trying to fight him to get off me he finally listens and is pissed. It took me along time to tell someone about this i have never told anyone the full story i feel too embarrassed/ scared. It keeps haunting me. I am now 22 years old with a great boyfriend who i lost my virginity too but i went for my pap a month ago and they called me and told me it came back abnormal and i tested positive for hpv i almost fainted is it possible my ex could have gave me this while he tried forcing me to have sex with him? It never went all the way in but i read online that could be enough. Or do you think it was my boyfriend who had it and didn’t know (there is no tests for males) i am freaking out I’ve only slept with one person and he’s only slept with 3 people including me and i cant believe this is happening to me.