I can’t even

My boyfriend and I are living with his family while we’re waiting for out apartment to be ready. And My boyfriends brother told me I basically should starve the other day 🤦🏻‍♀️. Boyfriend and I haven’t had the chance to get to the grocery store and I’m 8 months pregnant and always hungry. So I made a small snack. I’m talking like a hot pocket. His brother flips the hell out telling me I have no right eating his food (the rule of the house is if you don’t want to share you label it as only yours and it was NOT labeled so that means it’s free game as I was told by their father) so it blows up to how I eat ALL of his food all the time and it’s this huge issue and apparently a bunch of other complete bull shit. He also proceeded to tell me that we’re getting kicked out when the baby comes, it doesn’t matter if the apartment is ready or not and that if it’s not CPS will take my baby away because we’ll be living on the street. Now I’m not allowed to eat ANYTHING that I don’t buy myself. Doesn’t matter if I’m out of groceries (I don’t/can’t drive)

So long story short I’m terrified to even leave my bedroom now because he’s constantly telling everyone how I’m causing problems by using the stove to much when he gets home from work or taking to long in the bathroom when he has to get ready. So I guess I’m just not supposed to have human functions.