No where to go

I don’t have anywhere to live if my boyfriend and I break up. I have to make a Choice to stay or go. But I financially and connections wise don’t have anywhere to go. I know if I choose to go he’ll kick me out without anywhere to go.

I can’t afford to live anywhere right now, I don’t have family or friends that I could live with or share rent with that wouldn’t make me pay rent or a ridiculous amount that I couldn’t afford. I’m a part time worker and student. I make 100-160 roughly and I get about 1000 from school money. But I only get that every 3 months if that.

I don’t know if I want to stay in this relationship because we’ve “started over” 3 times and I don’t see how we’re going to magically do things different this time around. I don’t have hope for the relationship. I could just feel down in the dumbs about it. Our personalities and moral compasses don’t meet up but they could if he didn’t hold onto the past and gave me a fair chance, it causes him to be ugly to me. It’s either I be homeless for now or I try this again.

Please don’t come for my throat, I’m asking for advice.