Chews with mouth open?


Hi gals

I need your advice on how to bring up potentially sensitive (?) subjects with my boyfriend. I guess maybe sensitive isn’t the right word but I just don’t want to mother him.

My 25 year old boyfriend sometimes chews with his mouth open. I don’t know how to bring it up to him, because it’s not all the time that he does it but obviously enough to notice. Several days ago I was standing next to him at the counter and saw him do it so I pressed his lips together kind of as a joke and I could tell he was kinda embarrassed. We were kinda playing back and forth and laughing so I knew he wasn’t angry but I knew it bothered him that I did that. But??? Please chew with your mouth closed. You’re 25. 🤦‍♀️

I don’t know how to bring it up. I don’t want to keep saying it over and over but it’s also gross and I want him to make a good impression when we eat out with my extended family who he’s going to meet soon. Help me!