Preggo with baby #2 approx 5 weeks & scared

Jessica • Live life to the fullest! Yolo! ❤

Hi ladies got a BfP on 10/8...guessing I'm approximately 5 weeks. Have a history of misscarge. My youngest is this pregnancy is a shock & we want to be exited. Although I have had 3 orders of blood tests..first HCG were in the upper 700's 2days later 1200 2 dats later this Saturday at 1500...Drs are ordering an ultrasound because they said my numbers are rising slowly & could indicate a possible misscarge or tubal..or even that could have been twins but one embryo isnt making it. Have any of you experienced this? Any happy endings with a start similar to mine. Im wondering if there was twins & one doesnt make it..can the other make it ok..or do woman most likely lose both..looking for hope before the ultrasound in a couple days. Anything will help mentally prepare for any news wether good or bad..

Sorry for the long post