Separating rooms

Melanie • Baby #1 Carson born August 7th 2016 Baby #2 Calan born January 24th 2019 Baby #3 due November!

My 7 month almost 8 month old baby boy sleeps in our room I’m EBF and he just had a huge teething session got all 4 teeth up top at the same time. He hasn’t slept well since 4 months and at this point I know he’s just waking because he smells me/senses me in the same room. My oldest is 3 and he’s still in his crib in his own room. We only have the 2 bedrooms and I’m trying to figure out what I should do. My baby wakes so much at night and never took a pacifier however he can sometimes put himself to sleep on his own. I don’t want to stick him in my oldest sons room Incase he wakes him even though my oldest sleep through fire alarms lol ! Has anyone been in this same boat?! Advice please thank you!

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Posted at
Look into Takingcarabies on Instagram, she does a whole blog about room sharing - it’s totally doable!


Posted at
Do you have a sound machine? We play rain sounds through our google home.


Melanie • Sep 17, 2019
Yes he’s always had white noise