I can't stand her


Ok this is the story of my fucking sister in law that I can't freaking stand . My husband used to leave with them for a while and he makes good money so I came along and at first she was nice . After a few months when we got married last year another sister in law made a group chat with all of the sister's in law to go eat at that time my husband wasn't making as much so I politely said I can't cause we didn't have the extra money so she text back it's fine we didn't expect you to come and be part of the family anyways . I didn't reply anything I left as that cause i didn't wanna cause any frucking drama with my husband family right. So time goes by and I heard from the other sister's in law that shes talking shit behind my back all the time but never to my face. Again I didn't say anything cause I barely know her and i dont wanna cause drama or problems for my husband. So not too long ago her husband caught her in the kitchen sucking another man's dick while her daughter is next room watching TV and her husband sleeping in their room . Im like yes bitch you got caught mother fucker and they finding out that this is not the only time so they made a big deal about it all the brothers get together to think things thru . Well he forgives her now they are back together after a month she gets pregnant yes pregnant. Supposedly she don't have regular periods they like every 40 days or some shit like that and she was having problems getting pregnant on the past . So yes im like that's not his baby and he is still with her . What it pisses me off the most is that she act like nothing happen that they are so happy that shes having a baby and his parents or grandparents don't know about cause he didn't want them to know . So she gets treated the same by them but they are not too happy about the baby cause she's not a good mother . After that happen I threw a baby shower for one of my sister in law that I do like and this cheater piece of shit gets mad cause she wanted to it . Which by the way I knew she did but she never did i threw the baby shower like a month before her due date . Anyways she really try to ruin the surprise cause it was gonna be a surprise by saying to her im uninvite myself from the baby shower or gifts are on the way you know I was so mad. Until now I don't fucking talk to her and because we have family get together or birthdays parties often I act that shes not even there and ignore her ass . How can I man stay with a piece of shit like that ? I can't wait for that baby to be born and find out it's not he's