
The day he was born. September 17th 2017 @ 4:45 am

The greatest day of my life was the day my son was born

The day he was born ^

His first birthday ^^ 😭😭

Today! The day my baby turns two πŸ’™^^

He’s my only child and today is one of the hardest days because I’m not prepared to have a toddler, I miss my son being an infant, I miss holding him and just giving him endless kisses. He’s now a independent, loves cars, loves animals. He’s the most amazing handsome little boy ever!!

Just need to point out something.

Yes he’s in the driver seat

The car is off, I have the keys in my pocket, the emergency break is on, the doors on the passenger side are open, we weren’t going anywhere, he loves playing in the car and I never leave him alone. I always have an eye on him. I don’t want anyone to think he’s endangered, he’s the best gift god ever created and gave me & the last thing I’d do is ever let anyone hurt him or ever want something bad to him. He’s my entire universe. I love him more than myself ❀️