Heavy bleeding this morning

Justyna • Mama to a toddler girl ♥️ and a newborn boy 💙

I woke up and used the restroom. Nothing unusual. When I went to wipe, there was a LOT of bright red blood. I'm talking like a heavy period. I felt like I must have been dreaming because it just didn't feel real.

I was crying and panicking but managed to fetch my husband from outside and we went to the ER. They took me to labor and delivery.

I spent about two hours there. My urine came back fine, I guess. They had a heartbeat and baby was moving and I wasn't having any contractions. I didn't have anymore active bleeding. So they said it was all "reassuring" and discharged me. I was told to follow up with my doctor and not to go back to work until I was cleared by her. So I have an appointment for tomorrow morning.

I wasn't given any answers. When I asked the nurse what could have caused the bleeding, she just shrugged with a nervous smile. I'm guessing she couldn't tell me anything?

They didn't do an ultrasound. I have been worrying ever since. They said that based on my 20 week scans, my placenta looked fine. But I would have thought they would do an updated ultrasound to make sure nothing was wrong.

Has anyone else been in this position? I am 23 weeks 3 days today. I am hoping to get some answers tomorrow but in the meantime I'm nervous and uneasy and scared, to be honest.

UPDATE: saw my doctor. She asked me again whether I was spotting and I said, no I was very clearly having a lot of red blood. I asked why they didn't do a ultrasound and she said it was because if the placenta were detached a little, there would be blood underneath and it would all look like the placenta on the ultrasound and not tell them anything. Still thought it was weird there was no exam or scans done at all. I wasn't given any answers, really. She said it could be just regular activity that irritated my cervix. However, when I had a freaking colposcopy early in my pregnancy it didn't bleed nearly this much. So I don't think it was that. I told her they I hadn't done anything out of the ordinary or even had sex recently. I was told to not overexert myself and if it happens again, go back to the hospital. No shit. I'm frustrated because if could be nothing or it could be something of concern. I just don't want to be one of those women who had that intuition and went again it and it ended badly. But I also don't want to make a lot out of nothing. Overall, I'm very confused and frustrated 😐