I’m addicted to:

So, this is going to sound dumb as hell - but here goes. I have smoked for 30 yrs (minus during my pregnancies - and yeah I know I’m 💯 dumb for starting back up afterwards but I did and can’t undo it so here I am). I was trying to find something to help curb my cravings so I can cut down and found something that worked. “Halls” brand mentholated cough drops. They really do help - I’ve gone from smoking a minimum of 1.5 packs daily to under a pack in a day.

Problem is - now I’m SUPER addicted to the cough drops. Like, when I am out, I panic, freak out...way worse than I do when I’m out of smokes! I go through a bag of them in a day sometimes (and when I go through that many, I might barely smoke had pack of cigs).

Anyone else have any weird addictions like this? And honestly, even though it can’t be more harmful than the cigs they’re replacing, does anyone know if there’s negative long term effects from overuse?