Physical Therapy💪🏻

Lisa • Mommy to miss Penny Lane🎼💗🌹 8/4/18 and to two fur babies Link🐾 and Logan😸

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I just have to share about the progress Penny has made in just one session of physical therapy!

Long story short, and as some of you know, she’s a butt scooter, she’s been doing this since she was 9 months old haha. While it’s ADORABLE, she scoots with just her butt and legs, and doesn’t use her arms at all! When she wasn’t pulling up to stand by her birthday, the doctor gave her till 13 months, and then we got her in physical therapy to asses her flexibility. Y’all I basically have a baby contortionist😂😳Apparently this kind of insane flexibility is genetic(I’m a dancer), but the PT said she’s never seen a baby so flexible. So we are working on exercises for her hip and arm strength.

Penny hasn’t liked being on her tummy since DAY 1 I swear, and after just one week and some exercises I started at home she’s sleeping on her tummy most nights now(at some point in the night), and can roll and get up from the floor, into a seated position! Which is HUGE for her. The PT ideally wants her to crawl for her arm strength(even if she walks first), which I thought was a pipe dream🤣But now, after the progress in one week, she may just crawl after all! I’m excited to see her gain more and more strength and progress💞 I’m enrolling us in a mommy and me ballet class ASAP haha

This is her trying to turn at first😂She gets up by legit doing this splits🙀