Feel like hes no longer interested


I remember when he first pursued me i felt like the most beautiful and important person in his world.

Today, just days after we got our first place...ive been going above and beyond but feel unappreciated. I made sure this morning to send a cute text wishing him a great day (he replied with a basic response), He came home for lunch and i made sure to have food ready and even wanted a quickie but nothing, before he got home from work I made sure to hand wash his work clothes for tomorrow..took the kids a bath and got them ready for bed..cooked dinner...took a shower and even put on some makeup to entice him a little...moment he gets home its like he can only point out the negative. First its, you cleaned up..then its him complaining about how i cooked a seperate meal for the boys..to then giving me a hard time about letting them have a popsicle after dinner....

Yes he complimented my food

I even got kisses today

But thats about it. Its not the same anymore. I find he compliments other people more than me. His texts towards me are so dry and yet to other people theyre elaborate.

Im convinced he doesnt even like me anymore. Ive already told him how unhappy i am in this relationship and that im seriously considering seeking the attention of other men...does he change anything...no.

Guess i just needed to vent. I moved to a completely new city 2 hours away from everyone i know thinking a fresh start would be good for us but I was so wrong.

I dont feel at home in my own home.

So matter how many times I talk to him about my feelings..they get dismissed. I dont have anyone to turn too. 💔

Im literally sitting on the bathroom floor while hes in the bed watching ratchet music videos so oblivious to whats going on.