I need to vent

So I have been feeling like complete crap *not pregnancy related* I have stomach issues for about three months. My husband is so stingy with his money like crazy. I have been feeling for a week like I’m getting choked I feel like it’s GERD and he won’t give me money to go to the doctor (urgent care) because we are suppose to get our insurance in three weeks. He also told me that if I went to the urgent care with his money he was going to cancel our health insurance and that he was going to do it anyways because they were taking to much out of his pay check. I feel horrible my chest hurts and I feel like someone is chocking and it goes all the way up to my head I can’t believe he is acting like that makes me not want to be with him. I don’t work I’m a full time student and I feel dumb because I quit my job to focus on school and he said he was going to help me and that is bullshit I forgot to add that he thinks I’m thinking to much of it and it’s all in my head.