Breakup advice?


My now ex-boyfriend of 3 and a half years broke up with me just a few days ago and I don't know how to cope. We were absolutely best friends and when we could we spent all of our time together, I went to him with all my problems. We were high school sweethearts, went to one year of college together, and did a year of long distance.

We have so many memories together and we really cared about eachother. We joked around about marrying eachother even, just assuming it would happen. I thought he was one. I was already planning thoughtful birthday gifts for him before the split.

Looking back we were arguing a lot and had unhappy moments towards the end, but I'm really devastated and don't know how to start to move on. I feel like I've lost so much and my life is ruined, 3 and a half years of happiness gone. I'll randomly remember something or think about how we planned our future and start crying. My chest physically hurts and I have trouble sleeping.

Please give me some advice if you have any, I cant keep living like this.