Should I have him arrested?

Sorry if this isn’t the right group. Not sure where to post something like this but I really need advice. This is also going to be long but I don’t want to leave any detail out.

A man I do not know (Fernando) showed up at my house last Wednesday looking for a lost package. Supposedly what happened is that a month ago he went to the ups store the same day my bf went to drop off an amazon return for me. After my package was scanned by the store rep, this guy went in to ship out a package to his eBay buyer. The ups rep printed out my return label and put it on this guys box. The box went to amazon. Amazon received it and bc it’s not theirs they shipped it back. Now bc the shipping label going to them was from me they shipped the box back to my name. According to the tracking number it was left at the front door (multi unit building). I never got this package so I’m not sure if someone walked by and took it off the sidewalk or if ups dropped it off at the wrong house or what. Fernando went to the store trying to figure out what happened to his package. Ups prints out the copy of the label they put on his box with my info on it and told him to come here looking for it. He showed up with two other guys. I tried to explain to him I don’t know anything about it. I was kind of scared that there’s this stranger with two other guys looking for me and that he has my info. The ups store called him while he was in front of me and to make sure he was able to find me. Fernando told the guy “yeah I’m here and I’m talking to her. It’s a nice house.” So to try to get the guy to leave bc he was being persistent I told him let’s exchange numbers (he already had mine on the label which is the only reason I gave it to him) and told him I would ask neighbors and let him know.

3 hours later the ups store emails me asking me about this package. My bf called them and told them we don’t know anything about it and why are you sending some stranger to my house. He told them he was my husband. The manager got on the phone and apologized and said they were going to open a claim for Fernando with ups and that they were sorry and to disregard the email.

The next day Fernando started to call me back to back. I didn’t answer bc I have a newborn and she was crying. I picked up bc he wouldn’t stop calling. He heard the baby and I told him I’d call him back. About an hour later I told him I was still waiting to hear my neighbors but once I did I’d let him know. He texted back saying he has a police report out and will get a warrant to search my house and that he gave my info to his eBay buyer and that they opened a case against me also. I didn’t respond.

I called ups headquarters that day and filed a complaint against the store. They had no right giving my info to this guy and to tell him to come to my house. They called him to make sure he was here. And now this guy is giving my info to other people. I have a 2 yr old and a sick newborn and I was getting scared that this guy would try to break into my house or something.

I sat down with my bf that night trying to figure out why in the world was my amazon label even used. We realized that the label was one we generated ourselves and my bf emailed it to the store for them to print out. He said they scanned it in front of him and it was shipped out bc we got refunded from amazon. It’s impossible to reuse a label once it’s been scanned. So how did the store use the same label with the same tracking number again? We concluded that there’s some kind of scam going on. I don’t know what was in the box but maybe the guy at the store did and was trying to steal it? Or maybe he was working together with Fernando trying to scam the eBay buyer and get insurance money from ups? We didn’t know but something wasn’t sitting right.

Bc I thought Fernando got scammed by the store I tried to explain all this to him. He wasn’t believing me. He called me up and told me I’m a liar. He said he’s going to send the cops to my house. I told him go ahead I don’t have anything to hide. He told me it’s impossible that the ups guy was trying to scam him bc they’ve been friends for 20 years, that the ups guy told him the box was supposed to go back to the drop off location (ups store) but it got shipped back with my address instead. I don’t know. He started yelling and saying how eBay has my info now and that they’re going to come after me too. I told him I’m a mom with 2 small kids, my newborn is sick and is being operated on next week. I told him I tried to do the nice thing and to help you out bc I felt bad for him but now I’m scared of him and that he had no right giving my info to some stranger and that ups had no right giving him my info either. I told him I have a case open against ups and to leave me alone and not contact me again. He told me I should be scared for my safety now and hung up.

That’s aggravated harassment. I called the cops and explained to them what happened. I filed a report against this guy and asked them if they could call him on my behalf. When the officer called him he told her she has the wrong number after she identified herself, it wasn’t, he immediately caught an attitude with her, told her it’s the wrong number, she asked him if he’s looking for a package, he said he didn’t know anything about a package, she told him to not come here again and to take his issue up with ups.

There are cameras all over my building so I had been able to get timestamped pictures of this guy when he had come to my house. They also took pictures of the texts off my phone and the time of the call. They said it’s definitely aggravated harassment and that based on how he answered her that he’s up to no good and that it’s a good thing I called. She said if he contacts me again or shows up to call 911 immediately.

The case was assigned to a detective. It’s been almost a week since I filed the police report and Fernando has not contacted me at all. They asked if I wanted him arrested and I said I don’t know. Bc if this guy is a victim in this too I feel bad for him, he’s a young guy and I don’t want to mess up his life. But at the same time, he did threaten my life and I do not know him or what he’s capable of and I have a toddler and baby and I’m worried for their safety, how can I be sure he won’t try to break into my house or follow me or something.

What would you guys do if you were in my situation?

On a side note, ups headquarters got back to me and said that the store manager is denying all of it and that all they did was send me an email. I said that’s bull. I have the guy on camera holding the label at 3pm and the email from the store at 6pm and my phone call to them right after. They said that without the original tracking number I don’t have a case. I said it’s over a month. I don’t know if I have it and that it’s ridiculous that they’ll dismiss this over what the manager said even though I have all this evidence. So I’m not sure what to do with them either now. I got the reps email and I’m going to send her all the videos and photographs of the guy and the email from ups and the police report. But it sounds like they’re not going to do anything bc I can’t find my original label.

Thanks so much for reading this endless post! Very much appreciated!

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